Wednesday, August 4, 2010

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CHRONICLE - Bimbo Pescara Pescara died in hospital, sit-in protest by parents

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

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Pescara, sit-in of Paul's parents in front of the hospital Alinovi

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This group was created to raise the awareness of a social evil called Malasaña 'which has removed a child of only 26 days to his parents, to understand and to know what you face when you are at 'suddenly in the depths of despair and there is to fight against the caste system, corruption for TRUTH 'and JUSTICE. # / group.php? Gid = 138556002835077 & v = wall & ref = search

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Death of baby: parents back in sit-in in Pescara

Until a few months I did not know the existence of the disease but from that day I struggle and fight forever for you to see that no mother die before his eyes the child. This is my struggle to do justice to Paul my little angel. PAUL can never come back to us but My fight against poor health care is because no other parent suffers our pain, I do not lower their heads before the omnipotence of the caste of physicians. On May 6 my love would have been a year, that day will organize a peaceful demonstration in front of the prosecutor in Pescara. Cara Neva, I'm looking at many ways to be able to go to some television to denounce the poor health care that I took away my child, know someone who can help me? Thank you very much.
Maragna Barbara. Dear Friends, March 10 last year I received this message, I read the newspaper articles, and I could see that the desperate tale of Barbara is true, not I can leave this unheard heartfelt appeal of a mother who lost her beautiful baby blue eyes ... to superficiality? Incompetence? Carelessness? We all know that 'malpractice' exists, I myself am a victim, and just as well know, I know how hard it is to obtain justice; PROTECT THE CASTE between them, or just dog bites dog! want everyone together to lend a hand to Barbara? Barbara wants to go on television to tell what happened to your child that can not happen to another child.
If this group is very large maybe this goal will be reached. So much goodness is contained in the hearts of each one of you, and how human solidarity can you offer, and then I thank you in advance. Neva Allegra.

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Death of little Paul Alinovi, May 6 at the sit-in Pescara Pescara

Barbara Maragna volavi a year ago my love away from me, a year ago at 11.40 your little heart stopped beating before my eyes, but I feel you near me, within me are the wonderful child and my love for you is beyond all .....

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, sit-in of parents in front of the hospital


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Alinovi Paul's mother Paul Alinovi on TV: "Justice for the death of my son"

Monday, August 2, 2010

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Pescara, sit in the hospital Santo Spirito in memory of Paul Alinovi Thursday, May 6, 2010

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DEAD CHILD IS FATHER TO PROTEST A PESCARA chains (ANSA) - PESCARA , Nov. 27 -''Justice and truth'''his son's death just three months ago died July 29 in Pescara Civil Hospital, after a megacolon, followed by three cardiac arrests: and' the father asked what Mario Alinovi, who this morning and 'chained to the gates of the hospital Pescara. On another and 'soon became an open proceedings against persons unknown by the prosecution to Pescara for manslaughter. Now expects that the medical examiner files the report. Alinovi''demands to know the whole truth 'on the case since the child was to be a routine operation.'' Together with his wife Barbara, the man also complained of not having been informed by doctors ever what really happened to his son. (ANSA). Y1M-HNZ/IC