Friday, December 24, 2010

What Is That Game Called With The Colrful Cube

Merry Christmas!

And a great 2011!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Manfrotto 501 Diagram

The vocabulary of Caravan in Fahrenheit

For a week we were guests of the transmission of Radio3 Fahrenheit in the space of V ocabolario and each of us has "given" a word.
If you lost, you can listen below.

The word of Martha Franks

The word Magi Serena

The words of Robert Vecchio

The word of Valentina Fasola

(arrival in the words of Daniel Comberiati)

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Clean Warm Up Songs For Basketball

Letter from Bucharest

publish below a letter that one of the authors of our new book, collection tales from Eastern Europe Do you think we could have met in a bar? , sent through the translator Ileana M. Pop, to be read during the presentation of the book can not be there in person.

Dear friends,
, I learned that all roads lead to Rome, but I never thought it through my month and ends in a book. Month-Air "was the only airline willing to transport me free dim gray of the East of Europe, to the front door entry "Libreria Giufa. At the time when you speak with this voice and this lucky chip, look at the moon and I think, as a way to take part in this meeting.
We believe that a book is totally different than a quantity of printed paper and the words mean more than words. After I made the cars to take our place, we become people but cars. We live systematically in high-speed cycles continuously fed and terrorized by the same two elements: time and money. I can not avoid daily commuting between wretched and sublime, I slipped into a world and only made up of words. People with their experiences, earth, sky, fire has become - and just, and above all - words. Ileana, Tiziana, Elena, adventure books that are entities composed of words to me - sent, received half way meeting between the one who writes with the half-way to the reader. A world where nothing is to be measured and weighed, but the essential human attributes can feel heavy, excessively absent from our present, real and land.
Send a thought of gratitude for all those who made this experience possible and I invite you to live in a country of our intangible thoughts and feelings - an alternative to the ever more apparent collapse of the world as I knew before. A luxury country that ignores the matter overcome time and enables us to be free, strong, God plus people.

George Dumitru Luca

buddy Carl,
sapevo che tutte them portavano streets of Rome, me losing my immaginato May e poi che mia, first in a Libro di finire, avrebbe anche Tapp Fatto a Sulla Luna. The "Luna-Air" è l'unique Stata airline willing to take free from the gray gradient of Eastern Europe since the door of the "Library stooge." The moment you speak with this voice and this time, I feel lucky, I look at the moon and think of you: is my way of taking part in this.
I deeply believe that a book is much more than a pile of printed paper, and that words are more than just words. Since we have built machines that take our place we are now more men, but most machines. We live in a systematic way, in the fastest cycle fed and terrified senza tregua dagli stessi due elementi: il denaro e il tempo. Non potendomi sottrarre alla mia quotidiana condizione di pendolare tra miseria e sublime, sono approdato in un mondo formato solo ed esclusivamente da parole. Le persone e le vite, la Terra, il Cielo, il Fuoco sono diventati – solo e soprattutto – parole. Ileana, Tiziana, Elena, l’avventura di questo libro sono per me entità formate da parole spedite e ricevute, l’incontro a metà strada tra chi scrive e chi legge. Un mondo in cui non c’è niente da misurare e soppesare, ma nel quale si possono percepire in maniera intensa gli attributi umani essenziali, assenti nel nostro presente eccessivamente reale e terreno.
I send a thought of gratitude to all those who made this experience possible and I invite you to live in the republic of our intangible thoughts and our lives: an alternative to - more evident than ever - revocation of the world we know. A republic luxury to ignore the matter, defeat time and gives us the opportunity to be free, strong, close to God and also men.
George Luca Dumitru
Author of the story Made of plastic
translated by Ileana M. Pop

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Nothing Seems 3d In Coraline

Caravan More books More free

last a thousand adventures we managed to bring out the new book Do you think we could have met in a bar? Tales from Eastern Europe a collection of short stories by various authors on the cities of European countries that are to our east. Up to 8 Wednesday will find us at the Fair of small and medium publishers in Rome with the new hand luggage.
These days, however, running here and there, moving from manual work to proofreading, Pony Express from around Rome to take the paper to print the book to distribute the books in bookstores, we lost one of the first meetings of this show yesterday afternoon, but fortunately some we found the word in the editorial of today's Conchita De Gregorio, who is entitled Simple words.
"Ps I took an hour by air from politics, yesterday, to go and hear Andrea Camilleri and Adriano Sofri about Elvira Sellerio Fair of small publishers. The need for cleanliness and simplicity was there, shared by thousands of people with books in hand, in the stands. I heard from Camilleri and Sofri, words that make you forget the brutality each day. Camilleri said Elvira expressed his opinions in ten words, each with the weight-mass of a star imploded. Who had the art of friendship Sicilian extinct as that of carpenters and puppeteers, that art anticipates that no one would ever ask a favor for a friend, who is expected to need another friend. Sofri said he was so smart to be concealed, especially with important people. What was so confident that envy is not touched. That was beautiful, was in May. That was always worried: worried and anxious, full of thoughts. That obtaining benefits for himself before he would have seemed immoral in bad taste. Who had never left Enzo: If kept him close because he was lost as women do with men when they have understood. What was on the terrace waiting for the darkness at the end. Alone, in thought. "